Coming from haskell i was looking around for a way to apply currying inside scheme. I came on the following macro via: this paste.

(define-syntax curried
(syntax-rules ()
    ((curried () body ...) (lambda () body ...))
    ((curried (arg) body ...) (lambda (arg) body ...))
    ((curried (arg args ...) body ...)
     (lambda (arg . rest)
         (let ((next (curried (args ...) body ...)))
             (if (null? rest)
                     (apply next rest)))))))

(define-syntax define-curried
    (syntax-rules ()
        ((define-curried (name args ...) body ...)
         (define name (curried (args ...) body ...)))))

Notice how define-curried uses the pattern match on name recursively to recursivly apply the curried macro to every argument.

(define-curried (mad a b c)
    (+ (* a b) c))

    (mad 2 3 4)
    ((mad 2) 3 4)
    ((mad 2 3) 4)
    (((mad 2) 3) 4)

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